Tours in Petra

Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a fascinating ancient city located in southern Jordan. Built by the Nabateans, it thrived as a major trading hub. The city, carved into rose-red cliffs, mesmerizes visitors with its unique architecture.

Entering Petra feels like stepping into a mystical world. The Siq, a narrow canyon leading to the city, builds anticipation. Wandering through, one encounters the iconic Al-Khazneh, or the Treasury, a marvel of ancient craftsmanship.

Tours in Petra: Unveiling Ancient Wonders

Petra’s history dates back to the 6th century BC. Nabataeans, skilled traders, established the city’s prosperity. Their advanced water management systems enabled life in this arid region. The city’s success relied on its strategic location along trade routes.

Considered one of the new 7 wonders of the world, Swiss explorer, Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, stumbled upon Petra in 1812. The site covers a vast area with numerous archaeological wonders. Climbing to the Monastery rewards visitors with breathtaking views, each step unveiling more of Petra’s secrets.

Marveling at Ancient Craftsmanship

Tourists marvel at the intricately carved facades. The Amphitheater, where ancient performances once enthralled crowds, stands as a testament to Petra’s vibrant past. The Royal Tombs, with their grandeur, reflect the city’s prominence.

Petra’s allure extends beyond its archaeological treasures. The landscape surrounding the city boasts stunning desert scenery. Hiking trails offer a chance to appreciate the natural beauty. As the sun sets, Petra’s rocks glow in a mesmerizing display of colors.

Tours in Petra: Preserving a Timeless Wonder

Preserving Petra is crucial. Tourism, while vital for the local economy, poses challenges. Sustainable practices ensure the site’s longevity. Authorities work to strike a balance between accessibility and conservation.

Petra’s significance goes beyond its ancient glory. It serves as a bridge between history and the present. Tourists, archaeologists, and locals unite in preserving this jewel. The Rose City, as Petra is often called, continues to captivate hearts with its timeless charm.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Monastery, also known as Ad Deir, is definitely worth the visit. This monumental structure, similar in design to the iconic Treasury but larger in scale, is carved entirely out of the rock face and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. However, reaching the Monastery requires a challenging uphill hike from the main site of Petra, to see the beauty and grandeur of this ancient monument . Each step of the climb unveils more the ancient city's secrets. Whether you're an avid history buff or simply in search of stunning vistas, the Monastery is a worthwhile stop if you have the time, that promises a memorable experience.

When visiting Petra, it's essential to wear comfortable and modest clothing suitable for both exploring ancient ruins and enduring the desert climate. Opt for lightweight, breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen to stay cool during the day, wearing shorts or lightweight pants, t-shirts, or short-sleeve collared shirts. Since Petra's terrain involves walking on dusty trails and climbing stairs, sturdy, closed-toe shoes like sneakers or hiking boots are recommended to ensure comfort and safety. Additionally, consider wearing clothing that covers your shoulders and knees out of respect for local customs and to protect against the sun.

Visit Petra on one of our 10 night Israel & Jordan tours: Highlights of Israel & Jordan / Heritage of the Holyland & Jordan

Or on one of our 2 or 3 night Jordan tours from Israel: Jordan Classic / Highlights of Jordan

Or on one of our daily tours from Israel: Petra – 1 Day Tour from Eilat / Tel Aviv or Jerusalem

More Places in Jordan: Tours in Amman | Tours in Aqaba


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