Tours in Luxor

Temple of Medinet Habu Egypt Luxor The Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III in the West Bank of Luxor

Luxor, once known as Thebes, was the vibrant heart of ancient Egypt. Here, pharaohs like Ramses II and Tutankhamun reigned, constructing awe-inspiring temples and tombs that defied both time and imagination. Today, these monuments stand as testament to their ambition and tours in Luxor beckon travelers from across the globe to step into their colossal embrace.

Temples that Breathe History

On tours in Luxor, begin your journey at Karnak, wandering through a labyrinth of towering pylons, obelisks that pierce the sky, and courtyards lined with sphinxes guarding the secrets within. While exploring the Hypostyle Hall, its forest of papyrus-columned giants whisper echoes of ancient hymns. In the Temple of Amun, marvel at the vibrant murals depicting celestial processions and offerings to the gods.

Then, bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun, the Luxor Temple awaits. Ascend the monumental ramp, flanked by colossal statues of Ramses II, and step into the grand hypostyle hall. Gaze upon the intricate reliefs carved into the walls, narrating tales of pharaonic victories and divine rituals. At dusk, witness the Sound and Light show, where vibrant colors and dramatic narration breathe life into the ancient stones, while painting the night sky with pharaonic dreams.

Tours in Luxor – Secrets of the Valley of the Kings

No visit to Luxor is complete without venturing into the Valley of the Kings, nestled amidst the rugged cliffs of the Theban Hills on the west bank. Here, pharaohs of the New Kingdom carved their eternal sanctuaries, decorating them with breathtaking scenes from the “Book of the Dead.”

Hike through the parched earth, anticipation building with each step, until you finally reach the entrance of a tomb. Then descend into the cool darkness, your flashlight revealing a symphony of colors – intricate murals depicting gods, goddesses, and the pharaoh’s journey to the afterlife. Each tomb whispers a unique story, offering a glimpse into the ancient Egyptians’ profound belief in the afterlife.

Beyond the Monuments

Beyond the grand temples and the whispers of pharaohs, Luxor’s soul beats in the rhythm of its vibrant streets. Stroll through the bustling Khan al-Khalili market, while bargaining for spices, hand-woven carpets, and trinkets that whisper tales of the desert. Sip sweet mint tea in a charming café, watching the Nile flow majestically past.

Then sail on a traditional felucca sailboat on the Nile, experiencing the gentle rhythm of the river. Watch the sun paint the desert hues, and fall asleep under a blanket of stars, serenaded by the lapping waves. In the evenings, lose yourself in the intoxicating rhythms of Nubian music, swirling beneath the star-studded sky.

A Timeless Encounter on tours in Luxor

Luxor is not just a collection of monuments; it’s a living, breathing testament to a civilization that dared to dream on a grand scale. It’s a place where the whispers of the past mingle with the laughter of the present. It’s where ancient echoes dance with the rhythm of the Nile. So come, lose yourself in its golden embrace, and let Luxor weave its magic on your soul.

On tours in Luxor, a timeless tapestry woven from sand, stone and soul await you. Are you ready to step into its vibrant story?


Luxor is an open air museum and definitely benefits from a guided tour.  A good tour guide can help you navigate the vast complexs, bring the hieroglyphics to life and paint a vivid picture of what life was like for the Pharaohs.

Luxor is an open-air museum, packed with ancient temples and tombs. With just one day, you'll need to prioritize. Here's a suggestion for maximizing your experience:


Witness the sunrise over Luxor in a hot air balloon. This unforgettable experience offers stunning aerial views of the temples, tombs, and the Nile snaking through the desert landscape. Tours typically depart before.

West Bank: Explore the Valley of the Kings. This necropolis is home to the tombs of pharaohs, including the famous tomb of Tutankhamun. Allocate 2-3 hours here,  as exploring the tombs can be quite time-consuming. Be sure to purchase your entrance ticket which includes entry to three tombs.

Marvel at the Temple of Hatshepsut. This mortuary temple dedicated to the female pharaoh Hatshepsut is a unique architectural marvel, with terraces rising from the desert plain. Allow approximately 1.5 hours to explore the site.


Take a Felucca ride on the Nile. Relax and soak in the scenery as you sail down the Nile, the lifeblood of ancient Egypt. This is a great way to see Luxor from a different perspective. Feluccas are traditional wooden sailing boats, and rides can be negotiated with vendors along the corniche.

East Bank: Explore the majestic Karnak Temple. This sprawling complex is the largest religious site ever built and was dedicated to the Theban god Amun. Allow 1.5-2 hours to explore the various temples and chapels within the complex.

Luxor Temple.  This smaller temple, built by Amenhotep III and Ramesses II,  was once linked to Karnak by an avenue of sphinxes. Here, you'll find hieroglyphic carvings depicting pharaohs and battle scenes. Allow 1-1.5 hours to explore


Experience the Sound and Light Show at Karnak Temple. As darkness falls, the temple comes alive with a dramatic light and sound show that narrates the stories of the pharaohs and the glory of ancient Egypt. Tickets can be purchased at the entrance.

The above options can also be experienced on our combination tours of Israel, Jordan and Egypt, together with a professional tour guide and all entry fees included.

More Places in Egypt: Tours in Cairo | Tours in Sinai Desert


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