Tours in Beit She an

Visiting Beit She an is a journey through history, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of civilizations that have called this ancient city home. Located in the northern part of Israel, Beit She an boasts a history that spans thousands of years, making it a fascinating destination for travelers interested in archaeology, culture, and the stories of the past.

Beit She an has a history dating back to biblical times and has been continuously inhabited for over 6,000 years. The city’s strategic location at the junction of the Jordan River Valley and the Jezreel Valley has made it a focal point for various civilizations, including the Egyptians, Philistines, Israelites, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, and others.

One of the highlights of touring Beit She an is exploring the extensive archaeological site. The city’s ruins provide a vivid picture of its former glory, with well-preserved remnants of streets, theaters, temples, and bathhouses. The Roman and Byzantine periods left a particularly indelible mark on the city, and visitors can marvel at the intricate mosaics, grand columns, and imposing structures that once defined daily life.

The Roman theater in Beit She an is a breathtaking spectacle that transports visitors back in time. With a seating capacity of around 7,000 people, this theater hosted various performances and events in its heyday. Today, standing in the midst of its well-preserved ruins, one can appreciate the grandeur of Roman engineering and imagine the vibrancy of ancient gatherings.

The Cardo Maximus, a colonnaded street that was a central feature of Roman urban planning, is another must-see. Strolling along the ancient thoroughfare, visitors can envision the bustling marketplaces and daily life of Beit She an during the height of its prosperity.

Visit Beit She an on our 7 night Highlights of Israel Tour

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